What is the Festival Internacional de Música de Cantonigròs?

It is a Festival built on a base of competition and exhibition of mixed choral music, both female voices, children`s choir and popular dances, thta takes part every year, since 1983, at Cantonigròs and at Vic, during 4 days iof july.
Groups from throughout the world are registred on the different categories, to take part on the 5 different competitions of which is made the Festival, and daily, a choice of groups take part in the Concert to be held at the end of the day, the “evening concert”.

Music and dance are perhaps the means of communication which most move the spirit of those sensitive to art, so, we have embarked on a venture with the aim of  first achieving a deeper knowledge of other cultures which also have a different history to our own and which may even be made up of different attitudes to our own.
In this way we are trying to achieve our target which may be more difficult in other circumstances, through one of the arts such as music, in the strengthening of friendly links among all the countries of the world, The hope for peace and wellbeing amongst all nationalities.



The Festival is a private association, on which all the people that take part, work on a desinterested way. We have permanent offices in Barcelona and in Cantonigròs, that works all the year on the organization of the following edition.
Also, during the festival, more than 400 voluntary people works under the service of the organization,  like 800 families of more than 30 cities around Cantonigròs who open their doors and shelter the participants.  Within our possibilities, we shall be arranging that all the groups from outside Catalunya, should be able to share in the life of our village, living together in our homes and taking part in the activities and way of life. In this  way communication between us will have become an effective strengthened reality.

The goverment of the association is composed by: 

    •     Chairman: Josep Maria Busquets
    •     Second Chairman: Jordi Albanell - Manel Faura
    •     Music Director:  Christopher Horner  
    •     General Secretary:  Mª Rosa Plana - Joana Gonzalo - Judit Jordana
    •     Financial Committee: David Gabarró
    •     Artistic Committee: Jordi Subirà - Montserrat Soler - Josep Mas
    •     Hopitality Committee: Rosa Maria Oliu - Assumpció Canal
    •     Trafics and Logistics Committee: Manel Faura - Antonio Sancho
    •     Transport and Communication committee: Eduard Busquets
    •     Grounds Committee: Rafel Prat -  Roberto Mearelli
    •     Press and Scenary Committee: Blanca Busquets
    •     Marketing and Publicity Committee: Judit Jordana - Joan Puerto

FIMC Foundation

Its objective is to interest, motivate and sensitize physical and legal persons, especially from the private sphere, in the development and continuity of the Festival.

For this reason, it carries out activities of all kinds that can serve as promotion and dissemination of the FIMC and facilitate the obtaining of resources for its financing.


Geographic Situation

The festival takes part in Cantonigròs and Vic (Catalonia - Spain), in the country of Osona, and 100 km far from the city of Barcelona (south) and french border.


    • Generalitat de Catalunya 
    • Diputació de Barcelona 
    • INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura
    • Catalunya Turisme
    • Ajuntament de L'Esquirol
    • Ajuntament de Vic
    • Ajuntament de Manlleu
    • Ajuntament de Gurb

    • FCC Construcción S.A.
    • ENDESA
    • Obra Social "LA CAIXA"
    • BBVA


    1. Artists, poster designers:
      • Pilarín Bayés
      • Josep Maria Coll i Bardolet
      • Miquel Brossa
      • Enric Andserà
      • Mayte Burguera
      • Ramon Aguilar Moré
      • Esther Boix
      • Roser Capdevila
      • Montserrat Gudiol
      • Manel Capdevila
      • Carme Solé
      • Jordi Casas
      • Vania Rosell

      2. Entity and organizations:
      • Protecció Civil
      • Fundació Josep Carol - Escoltes Catalans
      • Voluntaris de Terrassa
      • Agrupació dels Mossos d'Esquadra
      • Consell Comarcal d'Osona
      • Associació de Veïns de Cantonigròs
      • UVIC-Universitat de Vic
      • La Vanguardia


      3. Other collaborations:
      • Família Montmany
      • Família Oliu
      • Can Colom
      • Prat Can
      • Mantor
      • Lluís Codina
      • Cereria Subirà
      • Grup Bonpreu-Esclat
      • Tecno Faber S.L.
      • Afers de Comunicació Audiovisual
      • Telefònica
      • The Corner Center -C.E. de Cornellà
      • CETA - E.U. de Turisme
      • El 9 TV i El 9 Nou
      • TV3
      • Catalunya Ràdio
      • Ràdio Manlleu
      • Ràdio Olot
      • Ràdio Vic 
    • Families of the following towns: Arbúcies, Avinyó, Borgonyà, Calldetenes, Cantonigròs, Centelles, Espinelves, Folgueroles, Granollers de la Plana, Gurb, Hostalets de Balenyà, L'Estany, Les Preses, Manlleu, Masies de Roda, Moià, Olot, Roda de Ter, Rupit - Pruit, St. Bartomeu del Grau, St. Boi de Lluçanès, St. Esteve d'en Bas, St. Hipòlit de Voltregà, St. Julià de Vilatorta, St. Pere de Torelló, St. Vicenç de Torelló, Sta. Eugènia de Berga, Sta. Eulàlia de Riuprimer, L'Esquirol, Sta. Maria d'Oló, Taradell, Tavertet, Torelló, Tona, Vic, Viladrau, Vilanova de Sau, Vinyoles-Masies de Voltregà.

      and also: Santuari del Far, Escola Agrícola de Quintanes, Seminari de Vic, Escola del Remei, Alberg Canonge Collell.

      1. Arbúcies
      2. Avinyó
      3. Borgonyà
      4. Calldetenes
      5. Cantonigròs
      6. Centelles
      7. Espinelves
      8. Folgueroles
      9. Granollers de la Plana
      10. Gurb
      11. Hostalets de Balenyà
      12. L'Estany
      13. Les Preses
      14. Manlleu
      15. Masies de Roda
      16. Moià
      17. Olot
      18. Roda de Ter
      19. Rupit - Pruit
      20. Sant Bartomeu del Grau
      21. Sant Boi de Lluçanès
      22. Sant Esteve d'en Bas
      23. Sant Hilari Sacalm
      24. Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà
      25. Sant Julià de Vilatorta
      26. Sant Pere de Torelló
      27. Sant Vicenç de Torelló
      28. Santa Eugènia de Berga
      29. Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer
      30. Santa Maria de Corcó - l'Esquirol
      31. Santa Maria d'Oló
      32. Taradell
      33. Tavertet
      34. Torelló
      35. Tona
      36. Vic
      37. Viladrau
      38. Vinyoles -Masies de Voltregà
      39. Santuari del Far

    Festival Hymn

  • Lyrics: Maria Dolors Oliu
  • Music: Àngel Colomer
  • Oidà! oidà! que de Cantonigròs estant
    s'alcin les veus, s'aplegui el cant,
    sigui una lloa i ressoni aire enllà
    l'alegria i la pau d'aquest peregrinar.