EDITION 200927 Festival Internacional de Música de CantonigròsCATALONIA - SPAIN |
ParticipantsGroups from throughout the world who agree to abide by the rules of entry and identify themselves with the spirit of the festival; and meet the required artistic and formative level.This year the participants groups are:
Type of Competitions
Mixed choirs of up to 40 voices. 1st- One obligatory work: "UN SONET PER TU", Music by Josep Vila (1962) - Lirycs by Miquel Martí i Pol. Edit by La mà de Guido. 2nd- Two chosen works:
1st prize, 1500 € ; 2nd
prize, 1000 € ; 3rd. prize 500 € . COMPETITION NUM. 2 Children's choirs of up to 40 voices. Under 16 years of age on the day of the competition 1st- One obligatory work: "VISA FRAN UTANMYRA" - Arr, Carl-Bertil Agnestig (1924) - Lirycs by Olof Von Dali - Gehmans Musikförlag. 2nd- Two chosen works:
1st prize, 700€ ; 2nd
prize, 400€ ; 3rd. prize 200 € . COMPETITION NUM. 3 Female choirs up to 36 voices. 1st- One obligatory work: "TOTA PULCHRA ES MARIA", de Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986). Edit by Durand - Paris. 2nd- Two chosen works:.
1st prize, 1000€ ; 2nd prize, 500 € ; 3rd prize 250€ .
COMPETITION NUM. 4 Mixed, male, female or children's
choirs up to 40 voices. Two works chosen from the folklore of the country of the participating choir. The total duration of the works chosen, together, can not exceed 8 minutes. To take part in this competition, the group must take part in any other of the competitions. 1st prize, 500 € ; 2nd
prize, 250 € ; 3rd. prize 150 € . COMPETITION NUM. 5 Dance groups up to 35 members, including the musicians. Performing live music will be valuated. Two traditional folklore dances of the country of the participating choir. The total duration of the dances chosen, together, can not exceed 10 minutes. 1st prize, 500 € ; 2nd prize, 250 € ; 3rd. prize 150 €. Children's dance groups will compite besides adult groups. Will be awarded separatelly whith others prizes.
Trophies and pricesFor the 2008 edition, the Festival will offer prizes in cash, up to 7.850 € (euros) in total, besides the following trophies for each competition:
-Prize "Ajuntament de Vic". -Prize "Fundació La Fontana". -Prize "Institució Puig Porret". -Prize "Festival Internacional de Música de Cantonigròs".
• The decision of the
Executive Commitee and the adjudicators will be final. This is an essential
condition for participating in theFestival. Any claim should be sent in
writing to the Musical Director of the Festival before the competition
has ended. |
Winners- Link each competition for see the results -
1st Photo Contest